Partner with us for the CACUBO Annual Conference and showcase your brand to a targeted audience of higher education professionals. By sponsoring the event, your company will gain visibility across multiple channels, including the CACUBO Annual Conference webpage and prominent recognition throughout the conference.

Once your sponsorship opportunity is confirmed, you will receive a Sponsorship Agreement Letter outlining the specific level you’ve selected and the corresponding benefits.

Please note that the list of available sponsorships may vary from year to year. Be sure to review the list below for the current sponsorship opportunities.

  • Sunday Opening Event $25,000: SOLD OUT Our Opening Event is the kick-off for the annual meeting. All registered attendees are eligible to attend. We will work with you to provide an opportunity to welcome attendees and introduce your company. The company logo will be on the event signage.
    • Sponsor: Forvis Mazars
  • Sunday Opening Event Stations $5,000: Depending on the venue for the opening event, this is an opportunity to sponsor a station at the event. The company logo will be on the station signage.
  • Saturday President’s Dinner $18,000: RESERVED Our President’s dinner is an opportunity to thank our CACUBO volunteers, past CACUBO presidents, and Board members. You will be provided with the opportunity to welcome attendees and introduce your company. The company logo will be on the event signage.
  • Monday Regional Presidents’ Dinner $8,500: RESERVED Our Regional Presidents’ dinner is an opportunity to thank the presidents of ACUBOs including our NACUBO president and vice presidents. You will be provided with the opportunity to welcome attendees and introduce your company. The company logo will be on the event signage.
  • First Time Attendees’ Luncheon: $8,000: RESERVED This is a luncheon for our First Time Attendees, providing an opportunity for them to ask questions, give feedback, etc. You will have 2-3 minutes at the beginning of the luncheon to welcome attendees and introduce your company.
  • Best Practices Program $6,000: SOLD OUT You will participate in the announcement of CACUBO’s Best Practices Program winners during the annual conference general session as well as introduce, 2-3 minutes, the Best Practice concurrent session(s) during the annual meeting. The company logo will be on the session signage.
    • Sponsor: Baker Tilly
  • Nightcap Reception: $7,500: RESERVED
  • Opening Keynote Speaker $5,000: The programming for our annual conference begins with our opening keynote speaker. You will be provided with 5-7 minutes at the beginning of the session to introduce your company and the session. The company logo will be on the session signage.
  • Keynote Speaker $5,000: This is an opportunity to sponsor a keynote speaker for our annual conference. You will be provided with 2-3 minutes at the beginning of the session to introduce your company and the session. The company logo will be on the session signage.
  • Concurrent Session Introduction $2,500: For concurrent sessions that do not include a business partner presenter, this is an opportunity to sponsor the session. You will be provided with 2-3 minutes at the beginning of the session to introduce your company and the session. The company logo will be on the session signage.
  • Beverage Station – All Breaks $5,000: In addition to your sponsorship recognition on the CACUBO Annual Conference web page and at the annual conference, your company logo is displayed on station signage.
  • Lunch $5,000: In addition to your sponsorship recognition on the CACUBO Annual Conference web page and at the annual conference, your company logo is displayed on lunch table signage.
  • Breakfast $5,000: In addition to your sponsorship recognition on the CACUBO Annual Conference web page and at the annual conference, your company logo is displayed on breakfast table signage.
  • Break $3,000: In addition to your sponsorship recognition on the CACUBO Annual Conference web page and at the annual conference, your company logo is displayed on break time signage.
Attendee Services/Items
  • Wi-Fi For Meeting Space and Exhibit Hall $5,000: RESERVED Provides complimentary Wi-Fi to our attendees in the meeting space and the exhibit hall. The company logo will be listed with service.
  • CACUBO Lounge $5,000: SOLD OUT The CACUBO lounge is in a booth within the exhibit hall. It is provided for attendees to relax, meet, charge devices, etc. Your company logo is displayed on lounge signage.
    • Sponsor: PlanteMoran
  • Conference Bags $8,500: RESERVED Registered attendees receive a conference bag. Your company logo is displayed on the bag as well as in the listing of sponsors.
  • Registered Attendee Gift $8,500: RESERVED This gift is distributed to all registered attendees. Your company logo is displayed on the gift as well as in the listing of sponsors.
  • Key Cards $7,500: Your company logo is displayed on hotel room keys.
  • Lanyards $5,000: SOLD OUT Registered attendees receive a lanyard for their name badge. Your company logo is displayed on the lanyard as well as in the listing of sponsors.
    • Sponsor: Moss Adams
  • Floor Clings that lead to CACUBO Booth $4,000: Footprints that cling to floor in exhibit hall leading to the CACUBO booth. Your company logo is displayed on footprints.
  • Attendee Scholarship $1,000: This sponsorship provides funding for a scholarship(s) to be awarded to a CACUBO member who applies for the opportunity.
  • Escalator Clings & Pole Wraps: Depending on the annual conference venue, your company logo is displayed on the escalator(s) and/or wrapped around poles within the venue.
Other Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Meet and Greet with book signing $6,000: SOLD OUT 
    • Sponsor: Follett

Other sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jill Yates.
CACUBO welcomes your ideas for a sponsorship opportunity.