Partnering with CACUBO provides the opportunity to market your product or service to multiple colleges and universities on minimal marketing dollars, strengthen relationships with existing clients and build relationships with prospective clients, and connect with an association whose members are engaging and welcoming!
We are comprised of over 500 colleges and universities. Our member institutions include public and private research, doctoral, small and community college institutions. Attendees come from a variety of reporting levels and units within an institution such as Chief Financial Officers, Chief Business Officers, Vice Presidents, Vice Chancellors, Controllers, Directors, and Managers. Their areas of responsibility include finance, financial accounting & reporting, facilities, investments, human resources, data analytics, budgeting, and IT.
Our booth rate is $2600 and provides items listed below. Complete the 2025 Booth Agreement to reserve your spot.
- Schedule to be posted in September/October 2025.
- One 10' x 10' booth space with pipe and drape.
- One booth ID sign.
- One 6' draped table
- Two side chairs.
- One complimentary full registration (all events and meals included).
- Two exhibit hall only badges including meals (Sunday and Monday lunch and Monday breakfast). Note, Opening event will be an option to add.
- Eligible to register additional persons at the CACUBO member rate ($575 early bird) which is significantly lower than the vendor rate ($1400).
- Inclusion in the listing of Business Partners in the meeting program guide.
- Electronic list of attendees prior to the annual conference.
- On-site security.
- $200 discount for first time exhibitor.
- More Information to be posted in September/October 2025.
Exhibit Floor Plan

2025 Exhibitor List*
*Subject to change as more exhibitors are added to the conference.
- 101 - Follett (sponsor book signing)
- 200 - Follett Higher Ed Group
- 201 - Grand Guard
- 203 - Coalition for College Cost Savings
- 207 - Aladdin
- 210 - Strata Decision Technology
- 211 - Trane
- 300 - J. P. Morgan
- 301 - TIAA
- 303 - Nimbello
- 304 - Unimarket
- 305 - SAP Concur
- 306 - E&I
- 307 - Boldyn Networks
- 310 - Fresh Ideas
- 311 - CACUBO
- 312 - Chartwells
- 313 - Rubin Brown
- 314 - SSC Services for Education
- 401 - Forvis Mazars
- 402 - US Bancorp Asset Management, Inc.
- 403 - First American Education Finance
- 404 - Gallagher
- 405 - Sikich, LLP
- 406 - Sodexo
- 407 - MOHELA
- 411 - Herring Bank
- 414 - Rehmann
- 501 - SOMA Cyber
- 503 - Transact
- 506 - Aramark
- 507 - Plante Moran
- 510 - Tru Consulting
- 511 - DWD Technology Group
- 512 - Nelnet
- 600 - Touchnet
- 606 - CACUBO Lounge
For future sponsorship opportunities, contact Jill Yates, CACUBO Business Partner Coordinator.